While discipline styles can differ from family to family and even from parent to parent, children will always be easily molded by their parent’s behavior. This is entirely separate from discipline, as it has more to do with your actions away from them as it does towards them. As a result, you need to be aware of how you act and understand that your actions are taken note of and will play a significant role in your child’s growth. Here are some specific ways to be a good role model for your children.
Apologize When You Make Mistakes
When you make mistakes either involving your child or towards others in front of your child, it is important to apologize to show them that people will mess up, but that they should always own these mistakes and strive for better next time. This will help them develop a more fair-minded and empathetic worldview at the thought that no one is perfect.
Don’t Argue With Your Spouse About Parenting
Or, at least don’t argue with them in front of your child. You want to show your child that you and your spouse have different ideas about parenting and are in different roles. Arguing in front of them will show them that you guys are in conflict about how to handle them, when in reality it needs to come off as you and your spouse have a plan on how to develop and grow them.
Display A Positive Attitude In Front Of Them
When your child is facing issues, or your family in its entirety is facing issues, you must not only remain calm and poised but show a willingness and belief that everything will work out. The reason being positive correlates with being a good role model is that it teaches them a sense of perseverance and willingness to battle through adversity. It shows them that problems can be overcome by being proactive, which is a characteristic you almost certainly want in your child.