Tips On Raising An Independent Child

Some kids are more natural than others at finding an independent nature as they grow older, while others tend to hang on to their more youthful reliance for a longer time. There is nothing wrong with either of these scenarios, but as a parent, it is your job to ensure that your child does indeed find a controlled independent nature at the right time, as they will not be able to rely on you forever. Here are some tips for achieving this.

Encourage Independent Action Through Asking Questions

One way to help your child become more independent while not becoming TOO independent is to ask them rhetorical questions about their experiences. Asking things like “what comes next?” and “what are you going to do?” will guide them down the right paths of thoughts as they begin to make their own decisions. Use your guidance and experience when necessary.


Give Them Constructive Tasks

Having your kids try something like chores is a great idea to either harness their willingness to be independent correctly, or to encourage independent behavior (potentially by rewarding chores) if your child is still more reliant. This ensures that they will be not only doing things on their own and through their own action but also are doing beneficial and productive things on their own. 


Do Not Become Overbearing

If your child is becoming more independent, it is natural that you will have some questions about their behavior. While it is a good idea to be mindful of your child’s behavior, do not intervene to the point where you are discouraging the idea of being independent in itself. If your kids are more clingy, do not panic and rush to force them to be more independent. Keep an open mind and realize that this is a natural, learning process that will work itself out. As a parent, you just need to be there for support.